
ML Systems Integrator Pte Ltd

+65 6990 9055


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      The 3-2-1 backup rule is a distinguished and glorified backup method. It appears that every backup vendor has endorsed it with at least one going so far as to call it “timeless.” Even the U.S Government advocated for the 3-2-1 backup; in a US-CERT paper (United States Computer Emergency Readiness Team), Carnegie Mellon recommended the 3-2-1 method.   In technology, mostly what at one point seeming “timeless” at the next moment...

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      We distilled 30 independent reports dedicated to cybersecurity and cybercrime predictions for 2020 and compiled the top 5 most interesting findings and projections in this post. Compliance fatigue will spread among security professionals Being a source of ongoing controversy and debate, the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) was finalized on 11th January 1, 2019.   Driven by laudable objectives to protect Californians' personal data, prevent its misuse...

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