
ML Systems Integrator Pte Ltd

+65 6990 9055


    Why Choose Us?

    Not only ML Systems Integrator Pte Ltd is has a propositions for every industries, we are also known for.

    IT Consulting Singapore
    Years of Experience

    10 over years of experience in IT Services and Projects and still counting.

    IT Service Provider Singapore
    Quick Solutions

    With the experienced team, the quick resolutions are pretty definite.

    IT Service Management
    Fast Turnaround

    Our office is in centralize area so as to ensure the fast turnaround for our clients.

    IT Outsourcing
    Lighting Fast Response

    The response are so fast which usually leave our clients amazed and happy.


    A quick FAQ about IT consulting and IT projects management you might have in mind and if not, hit us at the below button for any other enquiries you have!


    We have various contracts that can streamline to your requirements from annual maintenance to blocked hourly maintenance to monthly maintenance or per system maintenance. Talk to us and we can consult you more on the type of IT project maintenance that suit you best!

    One Stop IT Solution in Singapore

    Over the last 10 years we have provided high quality, reliable and cost effective IT solutions to a wide range of companies across the Singapore.

    IT Outsourcing
    IT consulting services, project support and project management

    IT Project
    System roll out, firewall implementation and other related IT solution

    cloud solution

    Cloud Services
    Amazon, Microsoft Azure, IBM,  Google Cloud and cloud support

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    Simple IT Solution for Complex Connections with MLSI

    MLSI’s Statistics since 2009

    Let data tell the facts!

    Satisfied Clients


    Thousands Tickets Solved


    IT Projects Done


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